Take a walk around your lawn and survey the effects the winter had on your property. If you have a dog, there is no quick cure for dog “damage” except lots of water to wash the salts from the urine into the soil. In most cases, the grass will recover. If the damage is severe, resodding or new lawn seeding of the areas may be necessary.
Check your grass for matted patches that could signal the development of Snow Mold. This lawn disease glues the grass blades together, which may inhibit the new grass from growing through the mat. A light raking to break up the matted grass will remedy this situation.
If the grass was left too long last fall, an early mowing at 1.5 to 2 inches is advisable. This will remove much of the dead grass from last years growth and allow the new growth to come through easier.
Check your woody landscape plants for injury – particularly the evergreens. Do not be too alarmed if you do not see new growth. Wait until the buds have opened before removing any dead branches, unless they are broken. Take the same “wait and see” approach with perennial plants. Remove any mulch that was placed there to protect them. Some plants take a longer time to come out of winter dormancy than others.
If scale insects or tent caterpillars bothered your landscape plants last year, then you should consider spraying with dormant oil before the buds open. This material will smother the egg cases or over-wintering adults.
Spring is a time of rebirth and reawakening from a winter’s nap. Getting out into the fresh air of spring can do much to revitalize you as well as your plants!
(source: spring-green.com)
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