Taylor Homes

Community Involvement

Our "We Salute You" Discount

If you are military, school teacher, police officer, firefighter, or EMS personnel receive a $1,000 discount off a new Taylor home. (Active or retired).

It’s our way of saying THANK YOU! This is in addition to the promo offered!

Community Involvement Walk Roll Sponsorship
Taylor Homes is proud to help sponsor the 2022 Walk & Roll event. 100% of proceeds benefits the Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies!
Community Involvement Big Image1

At Taylor Homes, we feel the need to support our surrounding communities when struck by tragedy and loss. Recently we held a donation drive to aid the residents in Eastern Kentucky suffering unimaginable loss due to historical flooding on July 27th. Items brought in by our Corporate Office staff, Sales Team, and Production staff totaled close to 200 and included food as well as household items. Taylor Homes offers continued thoughts for all those who were effected.

Community Involvement Toys For Tots Logo

Employee donations to the Toys for Tots programCommunity Involvement Img 7978 1

Giving back to the community is a priority at Taylor Homes and we do everything in our power to support friends, neighbors and customers. One example is our continued support of local teams. In almost every state we build, Taylor Homes has provided sponsorship through gym banners, ads in sports programs, posters and calendars. It is also our pleasure to be a recent sponsor of Special Olympics Kentucky.
Team Smash From Clarksville, In
Community Involvement Louisville Community High School
Community Involvement Little League Plaque Photo 2012
Community Involvement Taekwondo%20Banner

Congratulations to the Cardinals at the Lyndon Recreation Association on winning the 2021 baseball tournament!

We are glad we could sponsor such a great group of kids.

Community Involvement Sportsball
Big Sparc Hope Logo
Taylor Homes president and CEO, Chris Taylor, is a current board member of SPARC Hope. SPARC Hope serves single parents struggling to make ends meet and who are willing to make the extra effort to secure the future for themselves and their children. Chris is proud to represent a non-profit that empowers single parents to seek a better quality of life and become self-supportive.
Mom'S Closet
Mom'S Closet
Mom'S Closet
Community Involvement Louisville Community Saint Jude Community Involvement 1593002082277 On a larger scale, Taylor Homes partnered with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky to support their annual fund-raiser, the St. Jude Dream Home raffle. We gladly accepted the opportunity to build and donate the 2,500 sq. ft. brick home Grand Prize , with all the proceeds going toward St. Jude research on catastrophic childhood diseases. Taylor Homes has also been a proud sponsor of Habitat for Humanity. Local building suppliers and the folks at Taylor Homes joined together to provide a dream home for an excited and deserving family. We are honored to be an active participant in these and other worthy causes, and we look forward to continuing to give back to the community and help others in need.
Community Involvement Habitat 300X106 1 Participation in Habitat for Humanity Build, 2012
Community Involvement Dsc 0068
Community Involvement Dsc 0101
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Community Involvement Habitatplayhouses49

Playhouse built as part of Habitat Indiana Play-It-Forward campaign.

Habitat For Humanity House Built By Taylor Homes

Habitat for Humanity House built by Taylor Homes

Support Of National Guard Certificate

Support of National Guard Certificate

Homes For Our Troops Certificate

Homes for Our Troops Certificate

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Over the Course of 65+ Years

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