Taylor Homes

Valentine’s Day Ideas!

February 11, 2016

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. As in 4 days it will be here.


So what are you going to do for your sweetheart? It doesn’t have to involve lots of money, spending time to make something or finding something heartfelt is very very meaningful.

We have a few ideas for ways to treat your valentine:

  • Give them the night off! Does your significant other always make dinner and tackle the dishes? Why not take on those duties yourself!
  • Plan a date! If you are traditionally the person that waits on your spouse to make the plans, take that off of their plate! Having a whole date planned is a welcome change!
  • Pay attention during the year, if your spouse mentions something that they like make it a point to pick it up for them and surprise them with it on a special day like Valentine’s day.
  • It is forcasted that there will be snow on Valentine’s day, lots of snow. So don’t let the weather change your plans! Make plans to have an indoor picnic or plan a cozy day snuggling on the couch watching movies!

Valentine’s Day is a day of love, so spend the time with the one that you love! Even just unplugging from other distractions can be just what your relationship needs!

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