Taylor Homes

The Time to Build is NOW!

September 26, 2024

If you’re considering building your dream home with Taylor Homes, now is the best time to start! The cost of building supplies is constantly increasing, so waiting for prices to drop might lead to disappointment. In fact, waiting for prices to decrease is a risky strategy that may not pay off in the long run. For example, in 1971, the interest rate for a mortgage was 7.33%. If you had waited for interest rates to go down, you wouldn’t have purchased a home until 1993. You would have rented for 22 years, and in the meantime, the value of real estate quadrupled.

The same principle applies to building your dream home today. Waiting for the prices of building supplies to go down is not a wise decision as the price will only increase with time.

So, if you’re ready to build your dream Taylor home, don’t let the rising cost of building supplies discourage you. Instead, take advantage of the current prices and start building your home today. Remember, the cost of building supplies isn’t going to get any cheaper over time, so it’s important to act now and not wait for a better time.

“Marry the house, date the rate” – while the interest rates may fluctuate, the home’s value will only increase with time. So, don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait. Learn more from Taylor Homes CEO, Chris Taylor, here.

Ready to begin building your dream home? Contact us today to start talking with a new home consultant! Don’t wait to begin building your home, start now.

Current Promos

While you date the rate, we are doing what we can to help make building your new home more affordable. Right now,  The Concord floorplan (our most spacious floorplan) is priced $30,000 less than it was in July, in addition, you may take advantage of this month’s promo where you can choose from $20,000 in free options OR up to $15,000 off the base price PLUS $500 in free options.

The Time To Build Is Now! Unnamed 2

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