Taylor Homes

Spring Cleaning Tips

March 26, 2020

Spring Cleaning Tips Spring Cleaning Tips




The weather is finally starting to warm up and feel like spring! Flowers are blooming and birds are chirping which also means the dreaded spring cleaning for most of us. Spring has been deemed the season that we declutter and organize mostly because of the longer days and warmer weather which is a stimulant for a lot of people to be active and motivated – especially now during social distancing, it’s the perfect time since we have the time!

Taylor Homes has our top 3 tips to help make spring cleaning a little easier:

Make a Checklist
Your spring cleaning does not have to be complete in one day – give yourself the amount of time needed and don’t feel like you have to clean everything in one weekend. Make a checklist that works best for you and organize it room by room (there are also many templates you can find on the internet). If your checklist takes each weekend of April to complete that’s okay and if it’s done in one day that’s okay too, we all have our own preference!

Clear the Clutter
During this time of deep cleaning it’s also the perfect time to get rid of clutter that has accumulated over the year. A pile of boxes or no longer used items may be piling in your basement or garage, so start sorting! Sort your belongings into three categories – trash, giveaway and keep. This is also great if you plan to have a garage sale (of course once we are able to return to our normal lives), you will already have your giveaway items ready to sale.

Involve the Family
Turn on some music, open the windows and get the entire family involved – this will boost the mood and make spring cleaning a little easier! Once your checklist is complete divide and conquer those to do’s. Maybe even reward everyone with a trip to your nearby ice cream shop once it’s complete – an incentive always helps.

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