Taylor Homes

Benefits of Building a Custom Home

April 8, 2021

If you are on the fence about buying an existing home or having one custom made for you, Taylor Homes has 5 good reasons why you should build your custom dream home!

First let’s start with why pre-existing homes have their own unique shortcomings:

  • They aren’t usually built to suit all or even most of your particular tastes.
  • There is a huge risk of buying a house, then finding out when it’s too late that it has a long list of repair and maintenance issues.
  • Existing homes do not typically come under warranty like new build’s do.

Now let’s consider the following key benefits of why choosing to build a custom home is perfect for you:

  1. Personalization

The biggest advantage of having your home custom built is that you have the ability to get exactly what you want.

With pre-built or cookie cutter homes, it is often difficult if not impossible to get a home that suits your needs exactly. You may come very close, but even if you do, it usually requires looking at dozens or hundreds of homes. And even after all that searching, the potential for complete satisfaction is not very good.

  1. Unique Finishes

Custom building your own home makes it easy to integrate unique features into the house during the planning and design phase. The options are limitless.

  1. Custom Floor Plan

With cookie cutter and other pre-existing homes, what you see is typically what you get. Making major changes to a floor plan requires knocking walls down, dealing with inconvenience and investing a lot of time, money and effort into get exactly what you want.

Want an extra-large bedroom? An office that you can only access from outside the main house? A laundry room on a second floor? All of these options are easy to get if you choose to custom build your home.

  1. Lower Costs

Not having to worry about doing repairs, upgrades and reconfigurations along with shelling out the initial outlay to buy a pre-existing home means saving a lot of money while getting the exact home you desire.

Custom building your home makes it possible for you to choose your own finishes, which lets you get the style you want at a price point that gives you maximum value for money.

  1. Lot Optimization

When you buy a pre-existing house or a cookie cutter offering you have no control over the placement and design of the building in relation to the piece of land it sits on. Building a fully customized home lets you work with designers and architects to really take advantage of the positive features of the lot of land you want to build on.

If you are ready to design and build your ultimate dream house, get started today with Taylor Homes!

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